One of the main aspects of a software actually is the customer relationship management. Having controlled the inbound marketing process and the leads acquired that will be customers, Dansap CRM is crucial for the marketing department of your business. In that way, you will evaluate your actions and make a correct following of all the relationship with leads, evaluating all the steps that the company has need to convert them to customers. All this process, includes the invest costs and time of the department.
For making a correct commercial and marketing following, the most recommended thing is having a CRM (customer relationship management). This, will allow to the company understand, analyze and know in which point the relationship with the customer is. It is very important if you want to do a good sales analysis.
Dansap ERP, is going to allow you make a commercial follow-up and customer relationship
- Contact management, it is centralized from one platform. All of the company’s departments have access to the software and have to update it but the management corresponds to the marketing department.
- Sending promotions and marketing material, task corresponding to the marketing department. With the planning of the shipments that are done, it seeks to incorporate an inbound marketing strategy to the company through which customers will be loyal through all the material that is sent.
- Sales, for the commercial, the most important is knowing in which “funnel” stage is your customer. For that, the first is that has to do the company when receives a lead, is enter it to the CRM. From here on, and as your relationship progresses in time, it will advance in the “funnel”. The responsibility of the commercial, is to update all the information, with that, you can make a real tracking of all the conversion stages of each customer and have conclusions to investigate.
- Analysis, the most important when you have all the data in the system, is analyze them and make conclusions. From there, an improved strategy will came out, with assessable data that will allow the company to achieve success.
At Danzai Software we work for you to have the best management software. Dansap CRM is going to allow you optimize your commercial strategy and achieve more customers. Don’t hesitate and start working with us.