Closing the year could be a challenge for most of businesses. Invoices, delivery notes, payments, taxes… all has to be entered so that the figures balance. If you have a business, you’ll know that the best is to keep the accounts day by day, so that all the work does not accumulate at the end of the year. On this article, we are going to explain the advantages of close the year with Dansap ERP.

Also, doing it in an ordered and methodical way is going to help you knowing which real status your accountability has. With all of that, you will make the best decisions, based on data.

¿How to lighten the end of the year?

With Dansap ERP. A management software that is going to help you closing the year faster due to:

  1. Process automation.
  2. The ability to generate tax reports automatically.
  3. Having all the information integrated in one software.
  4. Access to all your documentation in an electronic format for better consultation.

¿How to make the close of the year correctly?

  1. Having all the necessary documentation. It’s an essential step. All the movements that the company has had throughout the year should be pointed out. Our management software Dansap ERP is going to help you speeding up this step as you will be able to have all this documentation in your ERP, all available from the same place. With this step, a high percentage of the work is already saved.
  2. Modify the accountability, if necessary. With our ERP, you are going to modify and correct mistakes (cash accounts, depreciation, income, expenses, debts, accounting periods, etc.)
  3. Do it within the correct deadlines. Once the natural year has ended, companies have a few months to close last year. This gives a considerable margin of time to check it and deliver a complete and correct report.
  4. Income and expenses, on this step, you have almost reached the end of the accounting closing. Now, you are going to check if your company has profit or loss. With Dansap ERP, you are going to see the balance of income and expenses of your business in every moment. Also, due to our modules, you will choose which of your employees has fully access to that.
  5. Review of the entire closure. Once you have done all the process, you must review everything in case you have missed any details. This is a huge detail to be aware of. With Dansap ERP, you will be able to check accountability mistakes without the need of papers.

Dansap ERP is going to help you closing the year. Our main vision is helping businesses improve all their processes. We believe on digital transformation and how this is making more productive companies.