Dansap ERP Integrations
Dansap ERP offers you multiple integrations with which you can automate and steamline all teh processes and tasks of you company and save time for what really mattes.
Google Calendar
With Dansap ERP you can directly integrate all the tasks on your calendar with Google Calendar and have your entire diary synchronized.
Agencia Tributaria
We are directly integrated with the Agencia Tributaria, to be able to automatically present tax models and send them directly to the Treasury from teh ERP.
We have integration with emails, so you can receive or send emails automatically from the ERP.
Our TPV sales module has the Redsys payment gateway directly integrated, so you can charge directly with the dataphone in your business.
Presence control
Dansap ERP has its own presence control module. So that the company’s workers can sign in from the same program
We are integrated with Prestashop e-commerce so you can automatically upload, edit products, change prices in your online store, all from the same ERP.
Vusion Ses Imagotag
We are integrated with the Vusion Ses Imagotag electronig label system for stores and supermarkets, to automate all product price changes directly from the ERP.
Alma Software
We have an integration with Alma Software’s warehouse management software, to be able to manage the entire logistics warehouse.
Mobentis preventa
We are integrated with the Mobentis mobile pre-sales module, for advanced sales management for sales people and commercial delivery routes.
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