Contact with us

Select the contact method that best suits you and contact us, we will respond as soon as possible.


Call the following phone number to contact our Customer Service and for an urgency. 

+34 972 30 60 30


Send us an email and we will reply as soon as possible


Please use the instant messaging system : Mond to Thursd from 8 to 5 Friday from 8 to 3

+34 678 88 90 16


You can also come to our offices to request information or advice

C/ Serra de Vall-Lloreda 4B, 17003 Girona

Dansap ERP technical support

If you are already a Dansap ERP customer and have a technical problem or question about it

you can send an email to: or click on the button below explaining your incident.

One of our technicians will assist you as soon as possible.


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    Responsable del tratamiento: DANZAI SOFTWARE SL
    Finalidad: Ofrecer y gestionar nuestros servicios de software para punto de venta.
    Derechos: Pueden ejercer los derechos previstos en los artículos 15 a 22 del RGPD, que se recogen en nuestra política de privacidad.

    Carrer de la Serra de Vall – Lloreda, 4

    17003, Girona

    +34 972 30 60 30

    +34 91 129 09 07

    © 2024 Danzai Software